"Breathing in His Grace. Breathing out His praise."
The purpose of music in the church is nothing more than, nothing less than, nothing other than the purpose of the church - which is ministry: ministry to God in worship, ministry to the Body of Christ through nurture and fellowship, and ministry to a lost world through evangelism.
Rev. Doug Spires, Associate Pastor for Worship and Media
Austin Crabtree, Organist/Music Assistant
Jennifer Tillotson, Pianist/Music Assistant
Sanctuary Choir
Director: Rev. Doug Spires
Rehearsals: Wednesdays 6:15 - 7:15 p.m.
Place: Choir Room (Adjacent to Fellowship Hall)
Through the Sanctuary Choir, members are able to develop not only their love for music, but their love for making music for the Lord. The members of the choir offer their collective musical gifts as a sacrifice of praise as they lead the church family in worship. The Sanctuary Choir also leads in special services throughout the year.
If you are interested in this ministry, we invite you to visit a rehearsal and find out if this may be a good ministry fit for you. If you do that, we believe you will find Sanctuary Choir is a ministry that can have a tremendous impact on your life as you grow in your walk with Jesus Christ. You can contact the Ministry Assistant at here or Associate Pastor of Music, Worship & Communications here.
Worship band
Director: Austin Crabtree
Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 6:15 - 7:00 p.m.
Place: Worship Center
Following the charge of the psalmist in Psalm 150, the members of the Sanctuary Orchestra use their instruments to praise the Lord! The orchestra plays weekly in the morning worship times and encourages you to join us, regardless of your current skill level.
If you would like additional information or want to attend a rehearsal, please contact Doug Spires. We will need to know in advance that you would like to visit in order to have music ready for you at practice.
Media Ministry
Media Director: Rick Ingram
Mission Statement:
The Media Ministry strives to technically support all individuals, groups and ministries of the First Baptist Church Family through multi-media, including audio and visual media equipment such as computers, projection and video displays, audio mixers, microphones, speakers, spotlights, church lighting, web pages, social media, photography, video, digital imagery, and promotional items.
The Media Ministry Team is a multi-talented group of individuals from all walks of life who volunteer their time and effort in support of this ministry to the glory of God. If you might be interested in serving on the Media Ministry Team, please contact the Associate Pastor of Music, Worship & Communications here.